- Checked the audio status of FMOD and the project found five problems
- Fire pit doesn't play a sound effect when space bar is pressed
- The outside band music isn't set to loop
- The sound effects for the bell possessable object never got setup
- The unlock sound effects never got setup
- The player Idle sound effect still needs to be added
- The fire pit sound effects have already been made I just have to meet up with the audio programmer on the team to get it implemented. Fixed the looping problem with the band music in FMOD. I the sound effects for the bell already made I just have to meet up with the audio programmer on the team to get them implemented. I already have the sound effects for the unlock sound already made I just have to see which one my team likes best. I already have a player Idel sound effect made I just have to meet up with the audio programmer on the team to get it implemented.
- Conducted a playtest for the newly implemented player movement sound effect:
- Notes ~ The player movement sound effect is too quiet. Having bubbles be the movement sound makes sense just too quiet. Maybe make the bubble UI more noticeable like having a stream of bubbles following the player. It's supposed to be a ghost shrimp, but it looks like a regular shrimp but can go through furniture. Maybe turn the background music down instead of turning the player movement sound up.
- Spent time making a first pass at sound effects for the possessable object that have yet to be added to the game. Ended up getting to six possessable objects
- Grandfather clock
- Ceiling fan
- Luggage cart
- Room service cart
- Dirty dish cart
- Lobby aquarium
- Made a new swamp soundscape to act as background music for one of the games UI screens
- Spent more time making a first pass at sound effects for the possessable object that have yet to be added to the game. This time I worked on four possessable objects
- Fortune-telling machine
- Wine glasses
- Hanging lights
- Bar
- Started on the first pass for the pause/ secondary hud
- Finished making the first pass sound effects for all the possessable objects that have yet to be added to the game. I had three left to work on
- Seafood truck
- Antique portrait
- Mardi-grad themed cake
- Made music as part of a challenge held by my local game developers
- Finished the first pass for the pause/ secondary hud now it's ready for the testing stage
- Got the sound design document up to date all the sound files are cataloged, up to date and working on FMOD and the sound files are up to date in the game and the audio files have been organized on my computer in case the files get deleted or in to be edited.
- Did some playtesting and tweaking to the games audio.
- Added a sound effect for unlocking new parts of the level and a sound effect for unlocking possessable objects
- Added a sound effect to the boat
- Added a sound effect to the pizza slice
- Replaced the 10 sound effects that played at random when the bell jumped around to a new sound effect
- Added a sound effect for when the trashcan falls over and a sound effect for when it's spitting out trash
- Prepared crashing sounds to be added to the game
- Fixed the fountain - The sound effect while the player is possessing the fountain stopped working, but now its fixed and the fountain's ability got changed, so I added a new splash sound effect for its new ability
- Fixed the firepit - Talked with one of the programmers to fix a bug where the sound effect that played while the player is possessing the firepit would play even after the player stopped possessing it
- Moved the pouring water sound effect back into the level because the layout of the level got changed and the sound effect ended up out of the bounds of the level
- Talked with one of the programmers to have it so that the ability sounds can play when the player moves this let me add sound effects for
- The cat statue
- The room service cart
- The dirty dish cart
- The luggage cart
- Got crash sounds added to the game, then after a playtest ended up tweaking it
- Realized the ability sound for the firepit would play even after unpossessing it, so I met with a programmer and fixed the bug
- Programmed and setup an audio options menu
- One of the programmers and I represented our game at the Media School Experience Day Open House held at IU show potential IU students what the Media school programs offer
- Worked on an audio project in Wwise as part of a challenge held by my local game developers
- Finished Wwise project
- Added SFX back to kitchen by adding event emitter prefabs for
washing dishes
knife chopping
pots and pans clanging
refrigerator rumble
- Added swamp ambience to the options menu
- Play tested the game in preparation for it being added to Steam to find any problems that need to be fixed ended up
- Playtesting different ideas for the player movement sound ended up deciding to turned it off
- The Ambience slider for the audio options menu was added
- Found some audio bugs that were able to be fixed
- Audio was playing twice because for some reason the time scale for the game got messed up
- Main screen music wouldn't stop playing
- Boat sound wasn't playing
- The master volume slider and the SFX didn't reset when exiting the option menu and the music slider just didn't work
- Spring Break
- Working on SFX for entering and exiting objects as well as a sound for searching with spacebar
- Added SFX to barrel object
- Work on pouring water SFX
- Work on opening bottles SFX
- Added SFX to Champaine bottle object
- Added SFX to open menu button
- Added SFX to close menu button
- Added SFX to the balloon possessable object
- Worked on meta sound Unreal Engine Role Analysis 2 challenge
- Worked more on meta sound Unreal Engine Role Analysis 2 challenge
- Changed chair sound in SoundQueue script in WorldState prefab from closed guest door to chair sound
- Added a sound effect to the Ingredient pop up
- Got stage music set up to work as stage possessable
- Play tested the game for an event at IU called First Thursday and made some fixes to the game before showing the build off at the event
- Added more music to the radio possessable object
- Turned player movement sound off in tutorial game play scene
- Added swamp noise to the tutorial intro scene
- Represented the game at First Thursday and had 8 people play the game
- After the event I combed through the play testing notes I took and was able to add win music to the game this weekend
- Worked on Role Analysis 3 challenge
- Finished up the audio for Role Analysis 3 challenge all that's left is to work on the middleware part of the challenge
- Set up the audio in FMOD, setup the destination markers, transition regions, transition markers, parameter conditions for the sound effects I made to go with the music. now all that's left is adding any finishing touches that I might have missed