I'm a Sound designer that focuses on establishing tone and a sense of life and fun in games through the use of Music, Sound Effects, and Environmental soundscapes


The Krilling

In this 3D isometric game, play as a vengeful shrimp ghost who possesses environmental objects to maintain chaos and fear.




Work Description

In this game my team and I made I worked on supplying the sound effects, some of the music, and a radio UI feature.



Your owner has been taken from you by his evil boss. It's up to you to save him. Venture through the owner’s work as playing the role of his trusty dog Ollie defeating the other employees at the office as you try and save the day in this arcade inspired comical action platformer.

Work Description

This is a sound-based project I made by myself. It has four distinct sound environments for the different levels and arcade inspired sound effects.

Physics Catapult 


In this Angry Birds style water themed game, you discover the joy of sound effects. 

Work Description

This is a sound-based project I made by myself. It is a project made entirely to demonstrate sound effects.


Randomly generated prompt challenge 

Role Analysis 1

The prompt for this challenge was to turn classical music into music you would find in a JRPG. I chose to make Bach cello suite No.1 in G Major into a JRPG battle theme.

Role Analysis 2

The prompt for this challenge was to make an audio project in Unity using Wwise and an audio project in Unreal using metasounds

Wwise Project

For this Wwise project I chose to make a Syfy themed roll-a-ball game where you try and collect points to win the game and I decided to make the game more challenging by adding meteors that the player has to dodge in order to collect the second half of the points  


The default music 


The boss music 


Metasounds Project

For the Metasounds project I tried to make a vertical adaptive audio project when new audio tracks would play and fade out based on the amount of enemies chasing the play, but since this was my first Unreal Engine project, I was unsuccessful.


This was what I was trying to get this project to sound like.

I was able to get an enemy to follow the player and play chase music, but couldn't make a working parameter to keep track of how many enemies were chasing the player

I also was able to make an attack sound for the player when I was experimenting with audio that changes pitch.

Role Analysis 3

The prompt for this challenge was to make one boss theme with a minimum of 3 changes relating to a boss's health, then show in Middleware or in a game engine it mixed in regards with two boss sound effects, two player sound effects, and one item sound effect.

So, for the prompt I ended up making background music for a side scrolling story of a cowboy that goes on a journey to slay a dragon for the towns people. The first section of music that plays is "grandmother pleading for your help" music which is an old lady begging the kind cowboy to slay the dragon and save the town which plays as the cowboy is passing through the open air market. Once the cowboy excepts the mission the next section plays which is the "start of a journey" music. For the next section I chose to make music for when the player is lost referred to as "your lost on your journey". I played the hero moving sound effect over the lost music, which I chose to make a walking sound effect because I was going for a cowboy theme so when the player is moving around you can hear the spears on his boots and when he's not moving around, he's on his horse, which is what I inversion when the "start of a journey" music is playing. Then I have the cowboy drink a healing potion (which is the item I chose) because he's lost in the desert western themed landscape and he's dying from thirst. Then when the cowboy finds his horse and finds his way back on the trail to the dragon's lair the "enter a battle" music plays because the dragon is at full health, then the dragon sensing sound effect also starts playing, which the dragon using like echolocation to find the cowboy. Then I have the cowboy movement sound effect play because he left his horse outside to protect it, then once the cowboy finds the dragon the hero fighting sound effect plays, which causes the dragon attacking sound effect to play as the dragon fights back, then the cowboy is forced to use a healing potion. At this point the "main fight" music is triggered because the cowboy knocked the dragon down to half health. Now at this point all the sound effects have been played the only thing that left is for the "defeat the dragon" music to play when the cowboy gets the dragons health down to zero. 


This piece is used as background music for an endless runner game I made. I went with this EDM sound for the syfi  futureistic theme to give off an upbeat but intense vibe as the player runs away from the evil robot worker drones chasing him.


24 bar EDM track

For this EDM track I tired following the example of Skrillex by starting off soft then changing to a loud techno beat.


For this piece I was messing around with the idea of fusing a Rock track with a Percussion track.


The direction I was going for with this was a jungle theme when I was making this 16 bars track, I was picturing running through a jungle starting out with a steady calm pace then out of nowhere the tempo speeds up and the adrenaline starts pumping. When I was making this, it reminded me of playing Crash Bandicoot, but as I started forming the sounds into one track, I imagined Temple Run flashing through my head.